Automation Introduction
- Introduction to automation testing
- Process of automation
- Features of automation
- Advantage of automation
Selenium Introduction.
- What is selenium ?
- Why selenium?
- Advantage of selenium ?
- Why selenium while other tools in the market ?
- Demo of various testing types with selenium
Overview of Selenium components
- Selenium Ide
- Selenium webdriver
- Selenium Rc
- Selenium Grid
Overview of Supported Technologies
- Java
- Java Script
- Junit
- TestNg
- Ant
- Html
- Locators
Some installation on selenium
- Firebug
- Firepath
- Ide
- Selenium installation
Java Concepts
- Introduction to java
- Factures of java
- Java components
- Data types in java
- Conditional logics in java
- Loops
- Identifiers
- Java Keywords
- Operators
- Functions
- Single dimensional arrays
- Multi diemensional arrays
- Object arrays
- Oops(object oriented programming language)
- Objects
- Constructors
- Constructors types
- Inheritance
- Interface
- Encapsulation
- Abstractions
- Object and object reference
- Function overloading, Function overriding
- Constructor overloading ,Overriding
- Exceptions handling
- Hierarchy of exceptions
- Exception keywords
- Throw and Throws
- Final and Finally
- Modifiers
- Packages
- Collections
- Collections Hiecrhhy
- Property file
- Strings
- Text file handling
- Xls file handling
- Jars
- Log4j
- Overview on Junit
- Architecture of juit
- Annotations
- Parameterization with junit
- Report generation with junit
- Excetuing the junit project from command prompt
- Error collector
- Assertions
- Overview about TestNg
- Archtecure of Testng
- TestNg Annataions
- Parametrisation with TestNg
- Report generation with TestNg
- Excetuing the TestNg project from command prompt
- Handling xslt report
- Intrdcution to webdriver
- Why webdriver?
- Webdriver interface methos
- Comaparisom rc with webdriver
- Basic webdriver methods
- Handling firefox profile
- Opening multiple browsers at one time
- Close and Quit methods in Web driver
- Magic of HtmlUnitDriveR
- HTML language tags
- Handling Links with WebDriver
- Extracting Xpaths and relevance of Xpaths I
- dentifying Web Elements using id, name, link name, class, xpath, tag name etc
- Handling Input Box/Buttons
- Handling Web List
- Handling Radio Buttons, Checkboxes
- Capture screen shot(positive)
- Capture screen shot(with failure)
- Handling On load alerts
- Page scroll down using Java script
- HTML Unit Driver
- Handling Multiple Windows
- Implicit wait
- Handling Ajax Auto suggests
- Handling web tables
- Pausing execution for sometime .
- Introducing wait for sometime WebDriverWait Class
- Handling JavaScript alert messages with Selenium
- Simulating the Keyboard Key press event
- Simulating Pressing Enter Button of Keyboard
- Window handles
- Pop up handling in Selenium
- Extracting links and other web elements
- Attaching files with Selenium
- Handling Frames in Web Page
- Handling cookies-
- Scroll down using webdriver
- Identfying number of webelemnts in the website
- Hanglint dynamic values
- Listner
- Mousemovement
- Downloading file
- Mousemovement
- Ajax auto suggest
- Webtale handling
- Handling certification errors
- Paramtrising using webdriver
- Handling mulitle windows
- Managing certification errors
- Handling webelemnts using javascript
- To chek all the links in the page is working
- Handling dynamic link
- Frames
- Handling top navigation menubar
- Webdriver backed selenium
- Implicty wait and exlipcty wait
Selenium Rc
What is Selenium Remote Control
- Overview of Selenium Remote Control using JAVA
- Download selenium RC
- Installing selenium RC
- Starting selenium server from Command prompt
- Stopping selenium server from Command prompt and Browser
- Running selenium scripts/tests from Command prompt using selenium RC
- Executing Selenium- IDE Test suites on Different browsers
- Report generation for selenium scripts
- Difference between Selenium IDE and RC
- Difference between Webdriver(2.x) and RC(1.x)
- Configuring Selenium RC in Eclipse
- Javadocs for Selenium RC S
- Selenium Interface Starting and Stopping Selenium Server from eclipse
- Running Sample code using Selenese TestCase class
- Running Sample code using Default Selenium class
- Browsers supported by RC
- FireBug and Firepath XPATHS and their usage with Selenium RC Full and partial Xpath
- Various methods of initializing the server
- Converting IDE tests to a programming language(JAVA)
- Debugging Scripts in Eclipse
- Frequently used Selenium commands
Sample Programs in RC for :
- Text box
- Link
- Button
- Checkbox
- Radio Button
- Drop Down Box
- Select value
- Display all values
- Select values step by step
- Write all values into NotePad/Excel/Wordpad.
- Capture screen shot(positive)
- Capture screen shot(with failure)
- Page scroll down using Java script
- Handle alerts
- How to read values from excel sheet.
- Create a Junit suite.
- Reports
- Tool tip.
- Handling Multiple windows and popups
- File uploading
- Handling HTTPS sites
- Handling regular expression
Selenium – Ide
- What is selenium Ide?
- Features of Selenium IDE
- Installing Selenium IDE
- Selenium IDE icons.
- Recording Script Running,
- Pausing and debugging Script
- Running a script line by line
- Inserting commands in between script XPATHS and installing firebug to get XPATHS
- Wait Commands
- Verification and Assertions
- Should I use verify or assertion J
- User-extension.js in Selenium IDE
- Using if statements and loops in IDE.
- Echo, StoreEval and StoredVars Demystified
- Creating your own user extensions.
What is selenese
- Assetion
- Verify
- Wait for commands
- Sample programs using seelneds commands
How to identify elements in webpage using Selenium
- Tools to identify elements/objects
- Firebug
- IE Developer tools
- Google Chrome Developer tools
- Locating elements by ID
- Finding elements by name
- Finding elements by link text
- Finding elements by XPath
- Finding Elements by using CSS
- Types of Css
- What is Absolute path .
- What is Relative path
- How to use user defined xpath
Framework with real time
Selenium grid