Data warehousing Concepts
- What is DWH?
- Characteristics of Datawarehouse
- Difference between OLTP and DWH
- Architecture of DWH
- Various BI tools
- Types of DWH
- Types of Dimensional Data Modeling
- Surrogate key
- Types of Dimension
Business Intelligence Concepts
- BI application types (ad hoc, standard reporting, analytic applications, dashboards) and audiences
- Specification of templates, applications and navigation framework
- Development of applications and BI portal
Tableau Desktop (Introduction)
- Introduction Tableau
- Connecting to Excel, CSV Text Files
- Getting Started
- Product Overview
- Connecting to Databases
- Working with Data
- Analyzing
- Formatting
- Introduction to Calculations
- Dashboard Development
- Sharing
- Data Calculations
- Aggregate Calculations
- User Calculations
- Table Calculations
- Logical Calculations
- String Calculations
- Number Calculations
- Type Conversion
- Parameters
- Filtering Conditions
- Filtering Measures
- Histograms
- Sorting
- Grouping
- Sets
- Tree maps, word clouds and bubble charts
- Pareto Charts
- Waterfall Charts
- Bump Charts
- Funnel Charts
- Bollinger Bands
Tableau Server
- Install Configuration
- Tab admin
- Tab cmd
- Data Server
- End User Training
- JavaScript API Intro and Embed
- JavaScript API Switching Views
- JavaScript API Filtering and Selecting
- JavaScript API Asynchronous Programming
- JavaScript API Event Listeners
- JavaScript API Advanced Filtering
- JavaScript API Utility Function
Tableau Advanced
- Authoring for Interactivity
- Data Blending
- Basic Mapping
- Advanced Mapping Techniques
- WMS Servers
- Polygon Maps
- Background Images
- Custom Geo coding
- Cubes
- Trend Lines, Residuals, and Forecasting
- Statistics Calculations
- Ben ford’s Law
- Box Plots
- Sales force
- Google Analytics
- Extract API CSV to TDE
- Connecting to Web-based Data Sources with the Extract API
- Extract API Transforming Your Data
- Analyzing Sales Data with Tableau
- Tableau Online Security and Administration
- Tableau Online Security and Administration
- Tableau Online Updating Data to the Cloud
Tableau Visual Analytics Training
- Introduction
- Laying the Groundwork for Visual Analysis
- Getting, Cleaning and Classifying Your Data
- Visual Mapping Techniques
- Solving Real-World Problems
- Communicating Your Findings